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    blog all dog-eared pages: jane mcgonigal's reality is broken

    I'm joining up with the effort to "blog all dog-eared pages."

    This isn't exactly new, for me. I've been putting my notes on books online for a while now, using DabbleDB—a pretty complete index to my digital scavengings can be found here. Explore 'em while they last, though, cause I'm gradually moving away from DabbleDB and signing on with the fantastic Evernote. Like DabbleDB, Evernote allows me to export my notes in a public online format (in a fancy dynamic HTML thing instead of just a table).

    So. With that said, here's my first shared Evernote notebook—on game designer / future forecaster Jane McGonigal's book Reality is Broken, a book on "why games make us better and how they can change the world."

    I've been a fan of McGonigal's since the I Love Bees days and it's been a real pleasure to see her insightful and exciting ideas presented in a popular, accessible format. Enjoy the notes.

    Please note that as of this writing (2/16) I'm still in the process of reading, and adding new notes as I go. The Evernote Shared Notebook has an RSS feed, though, so you could follow along by plugging this into your feed-management system: feed://www.evernote.com/shard/s61/pub/6730433/jbushnell1/realityisbroken/rss.jsp

    This blog supports Open Bookmarks and RSS support for Kindle notes

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    Wednesday, February 16, 2011
    6:27 PM


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